Monday, February 9, 2009


I feel another switch has been flipped, I am almost at my 12 week mark and the nausea and zombie-like feeling has gone away! I had my OB-nurse registration last week (what a waste of time for my 5th baby, 7th pregnancy) and my real OB appointment is on February 17. I have been high risk in the past, so I'm REALLY excited to hear that heart beat! Maybe I'll get my jelly bean picture, although baby should be near 3 inches by now!

I did notice today doing the dishes, that leaning against the counter was a bit uncomfortable on that hard lump. And, I am popping out much more quickly, probably for a lack of major FAT! I also have not gained any weight, AT ALL, even though I feel like I eat around the clock!

Things are going well, with new energy and motivation I have even caught up on laundry and gotten the kids back on track with their school work. I read and did math with my Kindergartener while my third grader stabbed a potato with straws for science and then practiced her Latin verbs.

Sigh, life is good! I'll keep you posted, now that I have more energy I surely will find some more awesome resources to share with you! In the meantime, feel free to share with me your Pregnancy after Weight Loss journey. I want to know how it's going, whether you have past pregnancies to compare it to like I do, or if this is your first time....I want to know! Also, if you have any questions, ask! I would be happy to research and help you in any way I can.

Mrs. Murphy


Kim H. said...

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better - I had a fantastic appointment at my fertility specialist yesterday... you can go read my post called "Doctor Visits" and find out about the exciting times in my house!

Mrs. Murphy said...

Thanks Kim, I will!